Disclaimer: EliteFTS Team member David Allen writes all of my programming, The exercises listed in these posts' are designed for me based on my needs as an athlete.


With my client schedule shifting, Saturdays are shaping up to be the most sought after day of the week for me in regards to training. All of my clients are in the AM and me and David start rolling at noon. The rest of the powerlifting team is also getting it in at this time so the atmosphere is, "turnt up" and I get to help coach when needed, which is a great excuse to take longer rest periods between sets when dying.

NBS Team

Todays training destroyed my front delts, as I mentioned last week, I am having trouble isolating my chest when doing incline dumbbell and today proved no different. I was able to feel it in my chest a little more than last week but predominantly holding the weight with my delts. which caused a lot of discomfort for the few upper body exercises that followed Incline DB, this will be a work in progress and an ego check to drop the weight and really feel it in the correct area.

Occlusion - 1

Todays fun occlusion involved the quads AFTER a super set of extensions and lunges. This was brutal, although, we decided more weight could have been done after the set and pump wore off.


Occlusion - Leg Press

I am really enjoying this style of training as it is allowing me to really learn muscle activation and isolation. I push myself very hard every session to feel the activation and attempt to shut off other areas that try and help which is natural from a powerlifting standpoint (full body movements). I am eager to see the transfer, I think this may be the first time I have ever ran a true hypertrophy phase for an extended period of time prior to transitioning into meet prep.

Occlusion - 2

Hope you enjoy the ride as I am enjoying the learning curve of Hypertrophy training


*Seated Calf Raises 6x6 with a 30 sec break

*Calf Loaded Stretch

*Incline DB Bench Press 4x12,10,8,6, use a 5 count negative on each rep

*Front Raise/Side Raise, 4x8 (5 sec negative)

*Bench Dips 4x15, with a 3 count negative

*A1: Leg Extensions

*A2: Split Squats

*Leg Press Occlusions set wrapped