Revisiting my previous log about the current GPP phase I am running, this is the first time in over a year I have done this style of training. Day one proved to be tough but today was much worse! The barbell conditioning for the upper body on bench is just so much worse during the Isometric contractions while waiting for the timer to buzz so you can take a rep! I would like to bet my hands were numb within two minutes of starting my set. Here is what day two looks like.

Barbell Bench Conditioning - 1 rep every 10 seconds for 6 min straight: bar
A1) Neutral Grip DB Bench (3’s Pause) 3x8:
A2) KB Row (Pause) 3x10:
Rear Delt. Destroyer 60,30,15,10:
all none stop
Partial reps on sets of 60 and 30
Full reps on the 10’s
drop weight in half each drop
B1) Banded Curls (Slow Eccentric) 100 reps (few sets as possible):
B2) DB Neutral Dead stop Push-ups 50 reps:
Tire Flips - 15 seconds flipping - 45 seconds walking 10 min straight