I used the Elitefts shoulder saver and elitefts mini bands for all my working sets. I am just trying to work on upping my volume and work capacity a little bit, so I did a few more sets and reps that I would normally do.
Speed Bench:
bar x 10
Mini bands on
bar x 10
225x5 x 3 sets
275x5 x 3 sets
315x5 x 2 sets
I could tell my bar speed slowed down on my second set of 315 so I called it there, dropped the weight and did a few higher rep sets.
Close Grip (with mini bands)
225x20 x2 sets
135x20 x 2 sets
bar x 30
Tri DB rollbacks 4x10
Cable Tri overhead ext 4x20
I can already tell my tris will be sore tomorrow. That stretch on the overhead cable extensions always leaves me sore.