Our hypertrophy phase is 6 weeks long so this is the last week of our first wave.

Dave is on vacation so this training came with the caveat of

“1. No missed lifts 2. No stupid shit"


Hmm… wonder who that was directed towards.


We are all breaking out to hit our own weaknesses for our secondary movements. I chose low back and glute stuff for my lower days and triceps and shoulders for my upper days.



  • Warm Up
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Reverse Hypers
  • Pull Down Abs
  • Face Pulls
  • Low Rows
  • GHR
  • *2-4 sets (whatever you need)



  • DE Lower-  SS Yoke Bar with chains  ( NO BOX )
  • 75% 10x2 
  • + with no more than 60 seconds rest. If feels good then work up to heavy double either with more chain or bar weight (only one  out of the 3 weeks). 
  • + Percentage is based off of max close stance low box yoke bar squat from previous phase. 


205 10x2 2 CHAINZ per side. This was a nice lil struggle. Not super slow just felt shitty. Because fuck you week 3 yoke bar.



Back extension on GHR/reverse hyper combo  as my secondary movement. NOT A GREAT IDEA. Since we then had two more low back movements right after this. My back was spicy the next day. I can safely say in retrospect, this was not a  good idea and I overdid it. This was the first time my back has hurt sharply in a long while.




  • Good mornings with Marrs Bar (like the SS Yoke Bar) 
  • 5 sets of 5 with mini bands pulling forward- try to do more weight than last week. 


Plate and a quarter for most sets then I dropped it down on my last 2 sets since I could feel I was not using my hamstrings.





  • 45 Degree Back Raises super-set with Banded Good Mornings 
  • 5 sets of 20 reps 


Jeez I was so fucking fried. Moist. Sweaty. Ouchy.




  • Lying Leg Curl with Chains 
  • + one warm up set. Only one chain will be needed to get the machine working right. Find a weight you can do 12-15 reps with and do one set to failure with 20 partial reps out of the bottom.  


I did lots of grunting on this one. The only way to get through it.



  • Sissy Squat 
  • + One warm up set and then one set to failure using a med ball, after failure drop the ball and do more.  




  • Standing pulldown abs 
  • 3x15



  • Barbell Glute Bridges 
  • 3x12-15







  • Warm Up
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Reverse Hypers
  • Pull Down Abs
  • Face Pulls
  • Low Rows
  • GHR
  • *2-4 sets (whatever you need)




  • DE Bench
  • 60% for 9 sets of 3


125 9x3 using 3 different grips



  • Close grip 3 board
  • 10 sets of 10 with - 45 seconds rest


135 10x10. For some reason I have been feeling JMs and these in my shoulder so I’ve been trying to figure out exactly what causes it. I had Margaret and Joe watch my sets and they think I just get shruggy (which is no big surprise. I am so good at it). So my goal for these was to actually keep my shoulders down and back throughout the whole set.



  • Chest Supported Rows super-set with Static Band Pull Apart.
  • CSR - 4 sets 10-12 reps
  • Band Pull Apart - 4 sets - hold for 30 seconds


As much as I like to think I’ve come along with making smart decisions like keeping the weight on these on the lighter side so I don’t use my traps then I go and miss squats like 2 weeks in a row SIGH.




  • Shoulder Work With Rope
  • + 1 sets 12 reps each movement
  • Front raises
  • Side raises
  • Bent raise
  • Bent over front raise
  • Standing spin out
  • Standing spin in
  • Standing external rotations


I have never felt less athletic than when I am flailing around with giant ropes




  • Barbell Pushups
  • + One warm up set
  • + One Set to failure
  • (close grip)


Ok i actually felt these in my triceps and not in my shoulders more than the close grip bench we did earlier…...hmmmmmmm



  • Pull Downs
  • + Just 2 sets of 10-12 reps





