There is a master plan brewing right now. There have been some changes and more are coming. The plan will cover competition plans, nutrition and training. I am just not ready to talk about it just yet until everything is plugged in and ready to go.



Box Jumps - 3x3

Trap DL

Aww shoot. So I forgot how much the bar weighed so I just documented the weight ON the bar. Got home, did the math and now have once again forgotten how much the bar weighed. In the end I pulled less than 400 which is a major hit. To dig the knife in deeper, The Boy also DL me on Thursday. Yeah, he pulled 50 lbs more than me. I told him not to get too comfortable, I'm just getting back into things so he better enjoy it while he can.


Goblet Squat - 4x10

Prowler - 2x100 feet

Despite the numbers, I am feeling GREAT. I implemented some changes and things are starting to come together.