My second workout with the PL Crew at Titans Gym in Mentor. I was happy to hear we were deadlifting. Joining a new group, makes me feel like I need to prove my self a little bit. So, with deadlifts being my strongest lift. I was pretty excited. - Even though off of low blocks is a weak point for me.

DL off low blocks:
I hit a few sets of 3, a few sets of 2, and went into singles at around 550. My best raw deadlift off the floor is 755, my best of blocks is 700 (I think) - it just puts me at an awkward position to start from.

- I hit just over 680 I think (kilo plates) and it moved really well. So, I took a little bigger jump than I normally would have and went to 738lbs. I had to pull for a second or two before it broke the blocks, but after that I locked it out with no problem. I was pretty happy how it moved once it left the blocks.

Accessory work :
Reverse Hyper 5x10
Standing Cable Crunches 5x10
Cable Pull throughs 5x10

Glute Ham raise 5 vs average band, right into 5 no band x 3 rounds