Deadlifts: 500x8 & 550x3 (Video) / Submax Work w/ Working Up Every Few Weeks Continues to Work Great
My last competition was XPC Finals at the Arnold Classic in March. I'm currently adapting my training to some hip joint problems and plan on competing in a raw meet in the Fall. I am currently using a linear waved setup for my training - using Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 percentages for my main lifts, with adjustments made based on what I've seen work for well for me (auto-regulating work up and down sets), and programming my supplemental and assistance work into 4 week blocks to address weaknesses.
I felt really good coming off a deload week last week, and my first day back to regular training was Deadlifts. My last set was 3+ reps with 500lbs, and I got 8 reps with that (my previous best was 495x8), and then did a work up set of 550x3. Deadlift continues to improve and has been feeling good. I normally do a box squat variation following deadlift, but my hip was bothering me a little bit (before even deadlifting), so I did some machine work and lived to fight another day on squat.
Warm Up (about 10 mins):
*PRI Breathing Drill - 2 sets of 5 breaths
*ShouldeRok Swings - 2 sets of 15 swings per side
*Dynamic Warm-Up - Toe touches to leg swings, lunge to hip flexor stretch, and spiderman hip stretch.
Strength Work:
A*Dynamic Work: Kettlebell Swings - 3x5
B. Deadlifts
500x8 (3+ set) (rep PR)
550x3 (work up set)
C. Machine Hamstring Curls - 4x12
D. Leg Press - 4x12
E. Ab Wheel - 3x10
**Conditioning was done via Prowler pushes the next day.
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