Florida – Iron House/2015 Florida’s Strongest Man – Level 2

December 12, 2015

Deadlifts against mini red bands - 245lbs x 6 x 2



Snatch grip deadlifts - 4 x 5 (light) 135lbs

Never done these before but have heard they have a huge carry over to conventional deadlifts and/or implements that require you to deadlift off the floor (farmers, car deadlifts, etc.)

Benefits: develops your traps, upper back, hamstrings and glutes, and improves strength off the floor

Quick setup:

Pinky touching the rings of the bar. Grab bar really tight squeezing your thumbs. Set up where shoulder blades are aligned with the bar and you're sitting back. Deadlift the bar where glutes are squeezed and lats are engaged.

Barbell Rows - 4 x 12 (bodybuilding style)

Conservative weight where you are not hopping by rep 9; reps are controlled.

Buffalo Bar Good mornings - 4 x 10

Band Face Pulls - 3 x 20