I wasn't expecting much out of this workout. From a could of days of moving and unpacking back to back, my low back was fried and tight as could be. I used the reverse hyper to stretch out and get some blood flowing. To warm up I stayed really light and used 2 plates are really let it swing and pull me through at the bottom to decompress my spine. I did 3x20 with 3x10 light straight leg deadlift in between sets.
585 4x1
I used a texas power bar, which I realize sucks to pull on when you're so used to a texas deadlift bar.
Bottoms up Good Mornings with elitefts yoke bar:
I put the bar just above waist high on the safeties of this half rack.
1 plate x 3 x 2sets
2 plates x 3 x 2sets
3 plates x 3 x 1 set
Wide Grip Pullups 4x12
Weighted Decline situps 4x20