Treadmill - 10 minutes

Warm up: shoulder mobility excessive with PVC pipe (I'll film next time) - takes about 2 minutes tops.

Pre-dead warm ups (taken from Josh Bryant): SSB squats x Box jumps 5 x 1

Deads: 135lbs 2 x 5, 185lbs x 5, 225lbs (working sets) 6 x 3

These felt great despite still feeling shaky (too much caffeine or not enough water or both). Really took my time with set up. We often hear the cue "pull the slack out of the bar" but I made it a point to keep pulling. It's all relative but there are many roads to Rome on how to explain cues and technique. Eventually one will stick and it’ll feel like it’s all coming together...until it doesn’t.

Finished off with GHR weighted hyperextensions 4 x 15 (with 2 second hold at the top)


CJ Thursday I'll hit extra assistance work