Now that I've gotten some technique insight from Dave and Dave, I need to get more of a handle on how I can program gear. For the last few weeks I've been learning how to just wear gear. I reached out to Marshall again to hear what he does for himself and how he lays out his programing. This can look very different for me and why I'm taking this time until the meet to figure it out. Learning curves and a learning process. Marshall lays it out in a 12 week program:

12 weeks

1 month - raw

2 month - limited gear (straps down)

3 month - full gear (straps up)


Month 1 - raw

Month 2 - full range (triples) using light weight. This will teach you how to use your shirt. If you can get light weights to touch, you can get heavy weights to touch. I could learn how to use the shirt and technique.

Month 3 - work on attempts

Squats / Deads

This is less of a learning curve. Marshall made a really good point about gear - most have the mindset of being very reliant on gear and how to manipulate it to get the most out of it. We should also have the mindset of how can we make gear better. It's having a strong foundation and making yourself better in gear.

I use one suit for deadlifts and squats. The movement patterns are very similar and it's just a matter of trusting my hips. Sitting back is storing energy (like a slingshot) is how Marshall described it.

Month 1 - triples

Month 2 - doubles

Month 3 - singles


Warm up: leg press 2 x 10 (no weight) x fat bell RDL's 2 x 10

135lbs x 2 x3, 185lbs x 3

suit -  225lbs against red mini bands x 1 , 245lbs against red mini bands 6 x 1 (45 sec rest)

Bent rows - 95lbs 4 x 5

GHRs - 4 x 10

Cable rows 120lbs - 4 x 15

Cable pull downs - 4 x 15


I explained that implementing accommodating resistance is something I was lacking and haven't done in over a year. I'm missing that explosive element. I feel good about it and that's just what I'm going to base my training off of. Again, it's a learning process. I don't have a foundation for this type of training and most of the numbers picked will have to be by feel. If weights need to be fast, moderate weight will be on the bar. If I need to go heavy or strain, heavier weights will be on the bar.