2016 has been a productive strongman season returning back to the sport. In June I took third place in the Open SHWW with United States Strongman. In September I won the HWW America's Strongest Master with Strongman Corporation. I would like to continue to make improvements and push my performance considerably for next year.

As of right now, I have no competition plans until next year. I am not sure what they will be but am using this down time to address some weaknesses, particularly 12" log and circus DB. Grip training will return as well.

Looking ahead to 2017, the next closest competition in my mind will be grip in some form. While I am not ready to fully commit to mainly grip training, I would also like to bring my skills back up to par.

Training is rolling along and little by little I am moving back into the right direction. It's also time to pick up some conditioning so I can stop being the heavy breather when I run into the room at the last minute.


Axle Rack Pulls

Double Overhand

135, 1x5

225, 1x5

255, 1x5

270, 1x5

275, 3x1

Mixed Grip

275, 1x5

305, 1x3

355, 1x3

405, 2x3

415, 1x3

GHR - 3x6


115, 3x5