I think I am moving in the right direction with identifying a competition in the near future. I am plugging the pieces in right now to see if it's manageable. Let's just say I have some unfinished business and it's time to get it done. Experience also tells me that life keeps throwing wrenches at every turn these days, so I will keep an open mind.

I am going with the flow with my training and letting Big Bald have some control over what I am doing.

Foam Rolling
Active Flexibility/Mobility
Muscle Activation Techniques
Dynamic Movement Training

Weight DB Box Jumps – 5 x 3

Front Squats
95 x 5
135 x 5
Work sets @ 175 x 5 x 5

These hurt and I am not sure how my knee feels about all of this.

RDL’s: 4x6
Single Leg Step-ups: 4x6