Building, building, building.....
After some distractions that forced me away from my training, I am so pleased to be back to the gym and focusing on rebuilding and attempting to shatter some very specific grip goals at the Odd Haugen Strength Classic at the LA FitExpo in late January 2016. I am eager to rebuild and continue moving forward with competing, being a business owner and enjoying the off season for my minions while they get back into the gym, work with their coaches and make every training day count.
Dear Mattie,
I am done training for the day. I left the lights and even more important, the heat on for you. The gym should be pretty warm for your training this afternoon. Hopefully your day goes a little better than mine. I am sorry to report that I left my axle stripped down to 135 on the ground. I got all the other weights off and I just hit a motivational wall. I was really hoping you could clean it up for me. Ya know, it's sort of like payback for thinking of you with the lights and heat.
Just tossing this out there for you...if you're mad, maybe you can have one of your training partners clean it up. Ya know, chip in and be part of the team? Sounds pretty legit to me. KK, thanks. I knew you would understand.
That was the dialogue in my head thinking about just leaving the bar and walking out. Today was terrible.
Axle DL Warm Up, MIxed Grip: 135, 1x5 & 225, 2x5
Double Overhand Axle DL
250, 1x4 in 12 seconds
260 was stapled to the ground.
Rubber Bands & Stretching
By the time I was ready to leave, I finished the letter to Matt in my head. I knew he wouldn't find my bar left in the gym very funny....
OK Mattie, forget what I just wrote. I am not a scrub. Leaving my weights for you all to put away would be a douche move. I had some left over guilt for even thinking someone else could clean up my weights. As an act of penance, I went ahead and completely exited from my Meghan Trainor station on the tablet. I know you're always worried how that will ruin your image as a Tough Guy. I hope your training goes great.