Pretty good day of deadlifts. Things are slowly coming together. Which is good, because I plan to compete again in September or November.
I warmed up with triples up to 405. Then added elitefts average (grey) bands for all my working sets.
Deadlift vs avg bands.
405x2 x 2sets
455x2 x 2 sets
495x1 x 2 sets
545 x 1 x 1set
365 x 5 x 3 sets. - I figured this wouldn't be that bad with the big weight drop. the last couple reps of each set were pretty tough though and this left me pretty exhausted. I like pulling reps vs bands. I think it really helps the lockout and absolutely wrecks the glutes.
Accessory work:
Glute ham raise 5x10
standing cable abs 5x20
Farmers walk - 200 total yards. 115lbs per hand.