Training for the IPA Buckeye Brawl December 14th. Programming by Dave Tate in italics.


My parents came to visit me this weekend so I shoved all my training into Tues/Wed/Thursday to free up some time for them even though they are gracious and understanding when it comes to me training during their visits.



  • Warm Up
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Reverse Hypers
  • Pull Down Abs
  • Face Pulls
  • Low Rows
  • GHR
  • *2-4 sets (whatever you need)



  • Squat
  • + Work up to 80% Pm for 3 sets of 5


380 3x5. I can’t wait to get to sets of three!



  • Close Stance Low Box Squat with Yoke Bar
  • + 3 sets 5 reps
  • Use more weight than last week 
  • Make this last set a PR set of 5 reps 


Plate double dime then a 2.5 on top FOR A PR I was wondering why I only hit a little PR and was feeling not great then Tyrel reminded me that I TRAINED THE LAST 2 DAYS AND ONE WAS A PULLING DAY oh yeah… Thanks T dawg



  • Glute Ham Raise
  • + 4 sets 6 reps


Holding a 40 lb dumbbell like a fat lil baby.



  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • + 2 sets 6 reps (weighted)


Well since I was forced to use 10 lbs use I now can’t use less than that even if it is a little bit of a clusterfuck



  • Free Time: suggested items like pull downs, low rows, banded leg curls, ghr, 


Lat pulls! Face pulls! Extensions (why did I do extensions on this day? I dont know but I wrote it down SO IT MUST BE TRUE), innie outtie, low rows, hamstrings. I did a bunch since I was going to have extra rest between this day (Thursday) and benching on Sunday.




  • Warm Up
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Reverse Hypers
  • Pull Down Abs
  • Face Pulls
  • Low Rows
  • GHR
  • *2-4 sets (whatever you need)


  • Bench Press
  • + work up to 80% Pm for 2 sets of 5


240 3x3. I decided (which Dave said ok to) on going with triples instead of 5s because 5s in a shirt can just get sloppy and I’d rather get more good reps in.


I’m still in this large bash but I STILL CAN’T TOUCH. I’m working on bringing my body up to the bar and trying to drop the weight in a controlled yet semi chaotic manner so I don’t fight it down. But I still only touch on a few reps over all. I get close on others but not close enough.


On the last rep of the last set I was hovering over my chest and I decided on a random whim which was not really thought out that I would try lifting my head up and I DID AND IT TOUCHED IT WAS SO EASY NOW I GET WHY PEOPLE DO IT now I just have to remember to do it in the future and hope that it works with heavier weight and that I can still press ok out of it. How was that run on sentence? Still following?




  • Vertical Pressing (can be standing, seated with back supported - off pins, etc)
  • + work up to 4 sets 5 


Used the good ol angle bar up to a quarter and a 5. I don’t know the weight on these random bars so I just write down the plate weight I do for them.



  • Extensions - Any 
  • + work up to 4 heavy sets of 8 reps 
  • Make the last set VERY hard 


40s on rolling tris. VERY hard.




  • Low Rows 
  • + work up to 4 heavy sets of 8 
  • Make the last set VERY hard 




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