Another fun training session at Queensview! The same crew from the last few weeks came out to train heavy bench. I'm loving having a consistent team to lift with every week. The boys and I were all going pretty heavy, some of the guys took perceived openers or did singles close to their max.

Steve changed my programming and for whatever reason my phone didn't update to show the change. The original program I had said 220x3-4x3sets, but Steve had changed it to 2-3 as the rep range. He let me know after I sent him video of my first two sets where I went for 4 reps. I went for 3 reps on my last set and it was by far the cleanest set.
I am happy with the quality of these reps, and I am overjoyed with being able to do reps with my best single to date!

Its safe to say 220 isn't my 1RM anymore!!!

Main Bench Day Training Week 8 For USPA Drug Tested Nationals

220x3 - Spotter took the bar before lock out on the 4th rep

All sets with 220 are in the video below