30 minutes treadmill
30 minutes airdyne
60 med ball side tosses
Warm up
Close grip incline with shoulder saver pad paused 240x5, 280x5, 315x5, 240x15
Football bar extensions with chain 135 x13x12x12
Inverted barbell rows with chain x19x15x17
40 minutes treadmill
1 hr deep tissue massage
30 minutes treadmill
30 minutes airdyne
20 med ball side tosses
Warm up
Bench 280x5, 325x5, 365x5
FSL Speed bench 280 x15
Close grip bench w/legs, shoulder saver, and chain 405x5x5x5
40 minutes treadmill
20 minutes airdyne
30 minute walk with 40 lb weight vest
Rolled out back with softball
Warm up
Safety squat bar squats 275x5. 315x5, 360x5, 275x15
Trap bar deadlifts 280x5, 325x5, 365x5, 280x15
45 degree back raise 5x12
Rope curls with chain 5x15
Treadmill 40 minutes
Just a regular week of training with a bunch of conditioning. I have been splitting time between the airdayne and treadmill. The treadmill still does not like me and smells like it's about to explode when I go for an hour. Plus, the arm movement on the airdyne has been doing well with my thoracic back issue. The med ball side tosses are really opening up my back as well.
The work is the work. No magic. I did however add chains to the assistance work. So for week one of the cycle it will be straight weight. Week two will be one chain added and week three will be two chains. This way I'll have numbers to go after in next month's training cycle without feeling the need to change exercises.
I like how I have been treating the fives week with just staying with the programmed numbers. It's pretty stress free not going after rep pr's every week. It's just training. You don't have to push it to the limit every week to make progress. Consistent hard work pays dividends.