APF State meet December 15, 2019


Nothing really fancy today, real straight forward training I ended up editing the program to line up more with peaking. We took Mac singles against double bands and it was just as awful as it sounds. Although the video does not do it justice my shoulders and elbows were not happy at all I am not sure if it’s because of the drastic weather change, sleeping improperly, or I’m still not recovered from traveling this past weekend.  Not concerned about any of this as I have a good rough estimate with what these bands add and it put me right where I need to be.



*Bench + Double Red 1: 320
*Drop Bands (+ 20-30% if needed) 3x5: 320,320,295
*Pendlay Rows 3x10: 185,225,185
*Blast Strap Tricep Extensions 3x15: BE
*Machine Seated Row (black) against band 3x10: 100
