The month after prepping for a meet is a hard transition for me mentally and physically because it is so drastic. Some do not need this drastic change, some are driven in a different way and many post’s and articles have come out lately of knowing the price that will be paid and they are ok with it. For me, after how powerlifting consumed my life for a couple of years I decided I needed a drastic gear shift after a meet. The mental gear shift can be saved for a different post, physically my digestion changes cause my nutrition changes. I am not a Nazi with my food intake and food timing, I do not obsess about food prepping on Sunday and having food the entire week. In short, to most in-depth fitness goers my nutrition “falls off the wagon” and for me, it is needed. I do not turn down craft beer or invitations to go out with friends, sometimes multiple times a week. I will eat every meal prepped when I go visit family, and I will dominate desserts. Visually I stay lean but, not as lean as 1 month out from a meet. When I started these drastic changes this was a hard thing to do, now after getting married and having other responsibilities, this is much easier. If you go pedal to the metal in everything that you do I suggest trying a drastic change post meet and see how much better your recovery is leading into your next training cycle.

Boot Camp:
Warm up Down Turf
-high knee stretch
-Walking quad stretch
-Lunge and twist

-iggy shuffle
-2 step
-lateral shuffle

HIIT 10 on 20 off 5 rounds each:
- Quick Feet in-out of ladder
- quick feet in-out + body twist
- prowler sprints 5 rounds (gassed me)
- med-ball squat slam (skipped)
- right and leg arm battle rope circles
- seated slams

Body weight work
- supermans
- glute bridges
- cross body toe touches
- later planks and leg lifts
- groin stretch
- a few others I forgot