Spider bar against chains (cambered bar and yoke bar in one)

200lbs + 80lbs of chains 9 x 2

Warm up:

110 x 3

130 x 3

160 x 3

190 x 3


Good mornings 115lbs + 40lbs of chains 3 x 10

GHRs - 3 x 10

Static Abs - 3 x 20

Dave and Joe helped with my technique. At first, we were trying to fix it during my sets, but narrowing my stance was making it worse. My knees kept caving in. After my sets, I took off the weights and worked on form with just the bar.

Joe was sitting on the side and Dave was right upfront. My knees were coming in before I was even hitting parallel. The cue I kept for years was "sit back" but Dave made a point that it just doesn't work for all lifters, especially raw lifters. And not everyone may agree with that statement but as I practiced sitting less back, my form improved.

Before: sitting back and using my back to squat the bar. Knees were caving in right before parallel; and if I were to work up to heavier weight, you would notice where I would get stapled in the squat- right out of the hole.

After: sitting down more and focusing on spreading the floor and knees out. Chest was kept up and I was able to use my legs and hips to squat.