Overworked and under paid. Sometimes you think that healthcare providers would somehow get paid for what we do for other people. We save lives everyday. We provide comfort care for those who need it. We put our lives on "hold" every shift to be able to empathize with our patients.

Its crazy how messed up the healthcare regime is as a whole is spitefully backwards.  Having to work overtime to afford to live is ridiculous. But I will do it, over and over again because that's how poor-middle class lives, STUCK.

Okay I'm done. Thankful to have a job that allows me to work as much as I need too.

Training session went well. Wanted to push my body hard without to heavy of weight load. Decided to volume DB press in reverse.

DB flat press: 65lbs

Set/reps: (50sec rest between sets)


  • Incline barbell press 3x20
  • Cable peck fly 4x20
  • tricep revere grip extensions 4x20
  • Machine overhead tricep extension 6x10
  • pulls UPS 6x3
  • DB tricep kickbacks 4x10
  • barbell bicep curls 7ups 4 sets
  • Burner rear delt sets 2x50 (wide elbows out chest supported row)
  • 20min stepmill doom