Warm up:

Bike - 10 minutes

Light DB presses - 3 x 10

Band pull-aparts

Football bar against 80lbs of chains - the links used to attach the chains have adjustable heights. Last time I used less chains and more weight. I adjusted the height to get more chain and less weight. Just different variations you can use, all have their benefits.

Bar x 2 x 10

55lbs x 3

65lbs x 3

75lbs x 3

85lbs x 8 x 3


Log clean and press 110lbs - 6 x 3 (work on technique)

Overhead tricep ext 3 x 20

Laying tricep extensions with chains 3 x 10


Low rows w/ mag grip - 3 x 20

Assistance pull-up machine (3 hold count @ the top) - 3 x 10

Static Abs 3 x 20