Currently: 7 Weeks into Post-Meet Training
In this week's episode of the Peak Mental Performance Podcast, I talk to Team EliteFTS Coach Ben Pollack. It was a great chance to learn more about Ben’s background and training philosophy, and how he was able to achieve so much recent success (Ben won the Overall Lightweight Class at the CETC US Open Powerlifting Championships with a 733lb Squat, 396lb Bench, and an All-Time World Record 755lb Deadlift in the 181lb Weight Class (yeah, the dude is STRONG). In this interview, we talk about:
- Ben’s Competition History and Early Struggles on the “Big Stage”
- His Training Style
- How he Addressed the Mental Side of Training to Improve his Big-Time Performance
- Some of the Strategies he Used
- How the Strategies Helped him Win the U.S. Open
..Audio of the Podcast is also on iTunes and Google Play, and Links to all of these Resources and more can be found at PeakMentalPerformance.Org
For Questions or Information Regarding the Peak Mental Performance Podcast, Coaching, or Programming, check out or contact me at
-- Competitively - My last competition was the USAPL Spring Classic in Columbus, OH April 1st; where I qualified for USAPL Raw Nationals. I am currently deciding on my next raw meet this year, and will likely also compete equipped again sometime early next year.
I'm currently the Fitness & Wellness Director at Ohio University as well as Event Coordinator for EliteFTS. I'm also involved in coaching and public speaking on topics relating to powerlifting, coaching, education, student development, and mental health.
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