2016 has been a productive strongman season returning back to the sport. In June I took third place in the Open SHWW with United States Strongman. In September I won the HWW America's Strongest Master with Strongman Corporation. I would like to continue to make improvements and push my performance considerably for next year.

As of right now, I have no competition plans until next year. I am not sure what they will be but am using this down time to address some weaknesses, particularly 12" log and circus DB. Grip training will return as well.

From 10/29/2016

I'm just not feeling it. Struggling to get motivated and get back onto a plan. The positive side is that with a lack of structure comes freedom. Freedom to play around and see how things feel.

Circus DB

Worked up to 70, 3x5 trying to nail down technique. This is going to be a slow and painful process but the end result will make it all worth it.

DO Axle Rack Pulls

Starting to slide into some grip training. Worked on sets up to 240, 3x5


COC 2 - 3x5

The Weight

The great news is the weight is staying the same. I MAY be eating like a fiend and know I need to reel it in. My previous work this year has been fantastic with the weight loss and the best part is it's been giving me some cushion with the eating frenzy. I think I have hit the wall and it's time to bring back the structure before I blow all the doors OUT. You know, from being ginormous and eating all the foods.