APF State meet December 19, 2019


Dominated  Bench today, all the mental cues and mechanical cues I've been working on seem to be paying off. Like many, I always fail bench midway up, right where my triceps are supposed to be getting to work. For this reason, the majority of benching movements will be tricep reliant. Close grip 1 board vs bands was on the schedule for today and my top set had me feeling confident. THEN THERE WAS THE DOWNSETS, the part where we implement Triphasic principles. just when you thought the max effort stuff is over you miscalculate and feel like you will get crushed and drown underwater with a 5-second negative.  Last rep on 2 of the 3 sets had me struggling to stay afloat, took note of this to drop bands here, just like on last squat day, so that all sets and reps could be finished



*1 board, close grip + Red Band (mini) & green (monster)) Single orange (Julia) (~20ish) Bands: 335
*Drop weight 32%% KEEP BANDS then 3x5 + 5 second negative: 230 (too heavy)
*SSB JM Press 4x10:: 155,185,195,195
*Bent Over Rows 4x8: 185, 225, 275, 275
*Rope Face Pulls 4x15: #9
*Bent Over Rear Delt Flies 4x20: 20 (rough)
*straight bar close grip push-ups 100 reps: BW
