Fat bar bench
165lbs 3 x 5
2 board - 175 x 2 / 195 x 1 / 185 x 2 - my triceps are fatiguing quick. Recovery isn't the issue but the lack of product I'm taking for it may be.
UNI DB shoulder presses x tricep pushdowns 3 x 10/10
Rolling tricep extensions 3 x 12
Dead stop KB rows 3 x 10 each side
side laterals x front raises 3 x 20/20
Training with Ava
Back at it with Ava and this girls determination makes me excited to train and spend quality time. Today we made it fun.
Warm up:
Bodyweight squats (10) x Dynamic Stretches x Bear crawls (3 rounds)
Strongman Implements:
4 rounds
Fatbell carries to ply box x 10
Farmers Walks w/ Fatbell
Sled Pulls (hand over hand)
Sled drags
Cool down:
3 rounds
Glute bridges
Fire Hydrants
Planks x :30/:45/:60 seconds
one on one game up to 5 points