Today closes the Kettlebells for Autism swing challenge, many many people from across the globe participated in this challenge. Not only was it a great challenge to keep people motivated but it raised money for Autism. A great cause and I will continue to support Kettlebells for Autism every chance I get.

Thanks to those who made donations and too those who swung bells and kept the dream alive.  It was sure easier for me to finish with two hands these past couple weeks, trying to get through 10 k with one arm is a challenge on it's own.

To finish today I was able to swing a 35 Lb kettlbell, 3 months post shoulder surgery.



I also did a bunch of full body session of 12 Kg (26 Lb) compounds and chains, I love to mix it up and work everything. Kettlebells for shoulder rehabilitation are a wonderful tool. My progress to date has been amazing and every day I train I am getting strong(her) and better ROM.



Great job to all the participants, stay tuned for the next challenge, or perhaps a Kettlebell competition near you !

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#livelearnpasson #kettlebellsforautism #strongher #driven