3 Weeks Out from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic
Saturday was the final week of Circa Max squats - We used 3 average bands (somewhere around 350lbs total) per side and I did 3x2 w/ 330+bands then singles with 380 and 420.
My descent was a lot better than last week, I just need to keep focusing on staying upright and pushing my knees out. The 420 moved pretty past, which with the bands is around what my 3rd attempt will most likely be at the top. This Tuesday I'll take my opener into chains with my straps up, and then it's deloading until meet time (still focusing on moving as fast and aggressive as possible).
A. ShouldeRok Swings - 2x15 per side
B. Standing Ab Pull-Down Warmup - 4x15
C. Box Squats w/ 3 Average Bands per Side - 330x3x2, 380x1, 420x1
D. GHR - 3x8
E1. Reverse Hypers - 2x15
E2. Heavy Ab Pulldowns - 3x10
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