Well, I started this log over a week and a half ago and guess what? I have not found the right balance yet, in fact I can't even balance my life enough to finish my balance my life blog.
Back to busy and stressed and now I am scrambling to fit everything in. Work has been nothing less than physically and emotionally draining and when you put in from 8 am - 5 pm Monday to Friday at this pace it doesn't leave much energy or time for alot of other things in life. Coaching, training, online coaching, kettlebell classes, family, Grandbabies, blogging and the list goes on.
So here I am still trying to find a balance, it's a struggle at best just finding the energy to do what I need to do in a day without all the added work stress and family pressures. To top it off I have been sick as a dog, again, probably due to being run down and stressed. Do we work to live or live to work, some days I wonder.
I had my Surgeon appointment today and I guess I kinda had the wind taken out of my sails a little bit. I totally was expecting the Dr. to say wow you are doing so good go ahead and lift away. Instead he said, so I was talking to some colleagues about you and your shoulder the other day and it was their opinion that it is still and will always be very fragile. Tendon to bone healing takes 6-8 months at best and even then will never be as good as new, so he told me to just be careful and that I should have enough knowledge about exercise that I can judge myself. They don't have alot of experience with Powerlifters and the re-injury process to properly instruct me I don't think.
So that being said I am still going to be cautious for a while and train smart, the Dr. does think I'm doing well and can see how strong I am. He just wanted to re-iterate that I am not invincible and that It could tear again but I know it's all part of the athletic game of course for every athlete.
So, here I sit trying to find the balance, I have a bit of a challenging work week ahead of me so I will see how this week goes, in the meantime, I'm going day by day until I can find my groove again, get back to a normal routine if there is such a thing.