I've mentioned over the past month I've had some upper body issues, strained pec, tendonitis, and some shoulder pain. I've taken a few weeks off of upper body, which sucks because I was feeling pretty strong at that point, and I've gotten some deep tissue massage work done so last night I benched to see where I was at. I used the Elitefts elbow sleeves and they really helped with the tendonitis issue I was having in my elbow.
Warmup: I spent about 10 minutes hitting some really light cable tri pushdowns, band pull aparts, and some rhomboid, middle trap, lower trap work to get everything ready to go. As I prepare for my meet in September I am going to make it a point not to be so lazy with this stuff.
Bench Press:
135x10 x 2 sets (just to be sure my pec was fine)
370x1 (just enough to out do my training partner, Adam's heaviest single.)
I was surprised at how good I felt considering I haven't benched in about 4 weeks. The 370 wasn't hard, I just didn't want to push it too far in this workout. I have a meet coming up in September and am going to start ramping up my training in the next couple weeks.
Accessory work:
5x10 close grip bench @225lbs
5x20 cable facepulls - minimal rest between sets.
Dropset of hammer curls on the cable machine. 100 total reps
100 band pull aparts using different grips/positions.
So, there were some pretty good results. I will run it again in the future, the only thing I plan to do differently is to take a deload week or two during the program. I am thinking after week four and week six or seven, depending on how I feel.
If you have any questions about it feel free to email me at bryandoberdruk@gmail.com