First Week of 5/3/1 - Currently Adapting Training to My Newly Discovered Hip Joint Problems and Planning on Competing in Fall.
 This was my first day of 5/3/1 starting with deadlift - I'm using the
5/3/1 for Powerlifting setup of doing the following (with a 6 week setup like Jim Wendler describes in beyond 5/3/1):

3s Week

5s Week

5/3/1 Week

3s Week

5s Week

5/3/1 Week 

Deload (I will be doing a speed work variation on this day)

This is in addition to performing drop sets ("first set last") and singles on certain days (I'll describe this more in the future).

For Deadlift I'm focusing on staying very tight and controlled (on the eccentric part of the lift too) and doing basically a paused touch and go to keep tension the whole time. 


*500 meters on rower

*3 sets of mace swings with ShouldeRok

*Couple short trips back and forth of:

a. Toe touch to leg swings

b. Lunges

c. Hip flexor stretch/Spiderman crawl

Strength Work:

A*. Heavy Kettlebell Swings - 3x5

B. Deadlift





C. SSB Pause Front Squats - 3x5 w/ 240+80lbs of chains

(Had to leave right after this to finish getting ready for the EliteFTS Training Camp that I was running the next day)

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