Monday was a floor press day at Apollon

My raw bench is low right now due to my weight loss and the fact that my bench training was shirt-intensive in the months leading up to early December.

The goal was to work up to a max single with a close grip (fingers at the smooth, so I worked up as follows.

bar x a few

135 x 5

185 x 5

225 x 1

275 x 1

295 x 1

315 x 1

325 x 1

335 x 1

So my floor press is obviously down, but I'm not concerned with it like I am with my deadlift. Getting my raw pressing strength back up will just be a question of adjusting to the lower bodyweight and incorporating more raw training.

Also, since I am doing more lower back work on my off days, I am also incorporating more upper back and triceps feeder workouts as well. This should help boost strength as well as help me retain muscle while I continue to drop fat.

As far as my bodyweight, It's been a very slow go after the initial 25lbs. This is what I expected because I am eating more carbs around training, and I'm low enough right now that I can afford to keep the loss slow and steady.