After a few weeks of "off season" training, I have decided to commit to the Florida's Strongest Man competition being held at the Ironhouse on December 12th. We are officially 7 weeks out and training for events has already commenced. This would qualify for Nationals 2016. After this, I will be planning on doing a powerlifting meet.

Events (*LWW = Light Weight Women):

Log Clean and Press for reps - 145lbs LWW

Yoke Carry - 400lbs  LWW

Frame Carry (two frames at a time): 60 second time limit, 60 feet run unlimited drops - 350lbs LWW

Object Carry - 60 second time limit, 3 objects 60 feet down. They will be strongman related and objects will be given day of comp.

Circus DB Medley: 60 second time limit, athlete must press first DB to move on to the next DB. You will go back and forth until time runs out - 80lbs LWW

Saturday's training:

Circus DB Press - 70lbs x 2 x 3, 75lbs x 3 x 3 (5lb PR)


Yoke (60ft) x 4 - 360lbs x 2 (60ft): I had to deload on the yoke because I was as slow as molasses.

Went down to 305lbs x 2: need to invest in terraine shoes (recommended) since they would have a better grip on the floor. Felt unstable with converse.