Treadmill 1 hr
Foam rolling
Trigger pt work
Ice friction shoulder
Contrast shower
Treadmill 25 minutes hiit
1 hr deep tissue massage
Foam rolling
Prone floor scap retraction 2x10
I am doing everything in my power to get this shoulder issue worked out before the meet. I am even experimenting with sleep. I usually sleep flat on my back with no pillows. My back feels great like this because my sleep number bed rocks! However, my shoulder does not love it. I put a pillow under my head last night and a pillow under each arm, my shoulder felt better sleeping this way.
The trigger point work is good from the front, but when I work the scap from the back it seems to overstretch the area when I move my arm. Just some simple rolling of that area with the foam roller is yielding better results. For exercises, the light dumbbell prone floor scap retractions are working really well.
This is all I can hope for, to feel better each day. I miss training hard. My muscles feel flat, but my body feels great, with the one exception of the shoulder. It's getting there. I won't know how much until meet day. Such is the life of a beat up powerlifter.