Friday assistance

Breathing warm ups
Lying adductors
Wall abs
Side- Feet elevated single knee raises
Side raises
Glute activation 

--all felt good! activating the right muscle groups.

Band resisted KB swings
Light band, 55# KB
5x10, no back pump, feeling good

Lateral step ups
-better, now what kind of sets/reps/weight?

SL leg press
Doubled light bands
Left leg- not as smooth when trying to absorb force on the eccentric. Fires ok- not as strong as right though. Slight IT band pain near the hip (top of IT band)
1 plate 5x10 each

Incline DB bench
50# x50, 3x10x3-5sec ecc/pause/con

DB tricep ext
30# 3x10x3sec ecc/pause/con

Hammer curls
