2x10 each way
DB bench
110x15x4 sets [2 min rest]
Lat pull downs
3x10 [iso on last rep of each set, 1 min rest]
BW pull overs against a red mini
DB front raises
40#x15x4 sets
DB lateral raises
20#x20x1 set
Whilst I was effing around with the garbage you see above, the RMU men's basketball team was doing their bench test. They do both 185 and 135 for max reps. A majority, not all, of the young players were hitting below average numbers- average being the expectation Todd and the head coach have set for them. However, a majority of the upper classmen were hitting big numbers-20 reps for 185 and 30 for 135. Which means that these guys are buying in and getting better over their short four year stay. Kudos TODD.