Warm up
Breathing, side raises, lying glute act.
1/2 GHR 3x10
KB swings 3x10
-little bit of a low back pump from kb swings
I figured out what was activating my low back so hard- the KB swings. I need to do a better job of tucking my ribs and keeping everything in the glute.
Incline bench, shoulder saver 2 board side
3 sec ecc/con
The last time I did these, they were recommended by Dr. Dave Tate' (pronounced TAH-tay). And they sucked. But apparently I forgot how bad they sucked. I have a pretty good bench with almost zero incline work. Maybe that's good, and maybe that's bad. But I did 185 today for controlled sets and it felt like I was intentionally ripping my shoulder's apart- all to a 2 board. I know I couldn't have touched my chest, and even if I could have...I wouldn't have.
DB tricep ext
Tricep rope push downs
3x10x3sec ecc con
Face pulls 50 reps total