Early bird gets the worm, 3 of us getting our bells on this morning at 6 am what a great way to start your day and get your metabolism fired up!
W/U Joint Mobility
Swing Ladders 10 Mins
Snatches 1 Min W/U
Snatches heavy 2 Mins x 3
Clean and Press 2 Mins x 2
Clean and Push Press Heavy 1 Min x 3 sets
Double Swinging side Rows 1 Min
Double High Pulls 1 Min
Double Compound finisher
5 Double Swings/5 double highpulls/5 double cleans/5 double presses/5 double squats / 5 double snatches
Today we worked on shorter strength sets, these ladies are getting strongher by the week, today I tried snatching with my surgery shoulder and I was able to get it almost straight, first time since injury, this is progress for me! So happy, every time I try something more and I notice changes every week.
#keeptrying #kettlebellsrock #teamoutlaws #teamelitefts #driven