I'm currently in the early stages of preparing for 2016 USS Strongman Nationals which will be held on June 11th, 2016. My training focus is to continue to get stronger overall, continue adding some size and start working in strongman events again. I'm working with teammate Mike Mastell on my programming.

Today felt really good. My front squats felt fast and strong. My deadlifts felt fast and consistent in technique. The 18 inch pulls felt strong. All in all this was the best training day I've had in a long time.


A. Front Squats

3 sets of 3 @ 385#

  B. Deadlifts 10 sets of 1 @ 465# w/1 min rest


C. 18 Inch Deadlifts

3 sets of 5 @ 565#

3 sets of 5 @ 565# on 18 inch deadlifts. #strongman #deadlift #18inchdeadlift #dadstrength #elitefts #1stphorm #train

A video posted by Chase Karnes (@chasekarnes) on


D. GHRs (w/pro light band for added resistance)

3 sets of 8