Training for the Women's Pro/Am April 14th. Programming by Dave Tate in italics.
This is the last weekend of heavy training before the impending BATTLE where I go in a WOLF and lead our the WOLVES to VALHALLA #war #beastmode
For people that are not on the gram, that is how people actually talk about powerlifting meets.
- Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Pull Down Abs
- Face Pulls
- Low Rows
- *2-4 sets (whatever you need)
- Squats - no box
- Work up to a weight that is 80% for 1 and 90% of your best squat for 1. If Raw then base on raw, if full gear than base on full gear. If you use gear than use it all. double light band with EZ strap and work up to single
420x1 470x1 (wrapped). Tossed on the ol bands and worked up to 600x1 for a single. My pick was fucked up so after the rep and some rest, I took the pick again. I think my feet were just in the wrong place OH WOW FLASHBACK TO MY LAST MEET WHEN I DID THAT ON MY THIRD ATTEMPT. Trying not to make it a habit though.
I keep my jumps about the same each time when I have my suit on- as many sets with the bar as I need then plate, plate quarter, so on and so forth with the plates and quarters. .
Decided to move my shirted bench work to today since my squat takes some oomph out of my bench. So we wanted to see how that post-squat bench would look.
Put the shirt on for 225, air boarded it. Set the shirt for 275 and took it to a 2 board, then 300x2. First to a half board then to my boob boards.
This was my second and a half time in the bench shirt (I am counting the one time I put it on after working up raw against bands. And I did it to some boards for a rep. So that was half a shirted session).
As per David, I have tried to stay out of the shirt as much as possible this time around to keep my arms as intact as possible since my elbows are usually my biggest issue going into a meet. My shirted sessions also haven't been as problematic in the past so IT SEEMS like I did not need as many shirted sessions.
Moved alllllll accessory work to Sunday
- Reverse Hypers (heavy)
- + 9 sets of 8-10 reps
At some point I added an extra dime to the reverse hyper OH SHIT frantically swinging my legs PR
- Blue Ab Bench with very light med ball between knees with feet off floor.
- + crush ball between legs
- + 6 sets to failure
45 lbs sick bro
- Chest Supported Rows
- + 4 sets 6-8 reps
Like 2 plates and a quarter
- Band Push Downs
- Mini or Light Band - 140 total reps without stepping away, so the rest will be less than 10-15 seconds when needed.
- Free Time
- Whatever you want
Let’s see I did some lats, upper back, shoulders.
I also picked my openers after only a little harumphing from me. I'm learning to go with what Dave says instead of arguing about needing to open heavier because NO ONE NEEDS TO OPEN HEAVIER. THAT'S WHAT YOUR OTHER ATTEMPTS ARE FOR.
And let us say, Amen.