Incline bench w/football bar 290x5, 330x3, 365x1 CAT 290 3x5
Dips bwx10 +10x10, +20x10, +30x10
Single arm seated dbl press 40/50/60x10

Airdyne 30 minutes

Safety squat bar squats 290/330x5, 365x10
Safety squat bar front squat 290 3x5
Single leg dl w/20 lb weight vest 5x10
Single leg squat w/20 lb weight vest 2x10
Calf raises w/20 lb weight vest 2x25

Treadmill run/walk 20 minutes

Physio ball rev hyper 5x11
Physio ball back raise 5x11
Alt side planks and front plank 3x30 seconds

20 minute alk w/60 lb weight vest

Deep tissue massage

Bench 330x5, 375x3, 415x5
Clost grip paused 330 3x5
Rev pushdowns 40 3x15

Trap bar dl 290/330x5, 365x10, 290x15
Kb curls 30 3x10

1 hr stand up paddle boarding

I was not feeling particularly strong this week. I actually have not been feeling really strong for a month. The reason is two fold. First, I am still recovering from wearing the bench shirt over a month ago. Long story short, between the dr, pt, and myself we have decided it's time to retire from equipped benching. My body can just no longer hold up to the stress. I rehabbed my body for a year to get better after benching 900 last year and now a lot of the pain is back. No bueno.

The other contributing factor has been training. I have been training and conditioning more than ever. That has taken a toll on my strength. Luckily I keep a log and I'm smart enough to go back to it. To read more detail on that, go to the link in red on the bottom. So I'll be reevaluating my training and writing a new program, so be on the look out.

The Value of a Training Log