The day was still filled with the sweetness of ass kicking as several people fell out from this style of training. It hurts my heart to see so many freaking people never take a step away from the barbell and don't realize why until it is far too late, by the time they realize it they have faded away from being relevant to anyone in the sport or the industry as their methods worked to get them strong but they are now forever broken. Now, before I get jumped, as Joe Sullivan mentioned a while ago, this sport is going to take names. There is a level of craziness and risk you will have to take to be the best, I do not work with the best so these statements do not apply to everyone. I am currently working with people who are very broken cause of individuals they have worked with in the past that have had the mindset of, "my way is the only way and is right". Well, now they live the day to day with a lot of pain and never were really majorly competitive so that position was a lose-lose.
On the other hand, I also work with a lot of people who are not broken and young in the sport. I teach them everything I know and also make them do things they do not understand why until much later. GPP is one of those things, so watching them struggle the first week is sad but for me cause I see how it layers itself later in their training. It is talked about all the time, "base of the pyramid", this base is made without a barbell, squatting, benching, or deadlifting as a staple in training. On today's agenda was something I never tried before and it ended up being fun, Side note, I need to make it more challenging next week. Hurricanes were on the agenda and it took the toll on several people as they have never exerted this much output for this long before. here is how ours looked like, this was not our entire workout, we had an extensive full body warm up and lots of jump roping prior.
Sprint 15 seconds (hill or treadmill at 10mph @ 9% incline)
10 Judo (dive bomb) Push-ups
10 Stability Ball Knee Tucks
REPEAT 3 times in a row. After 3 sets, rest 2-3 minutes
Sprint 15 seconds (hill or treadmill at 10mph @ 9% incline)
10 TRX Rows
10 Stability Ball Pikes
REPEAT 3 times in a row. After 3 sets, rest 2-3 minutes