I deadlifted in the Arnold 21 Deadlift Salute the first weekend of March and pulled 782 at 219 lbs. After that, I took a week off of training. I eased back into it the following week only training a few times. During that time I picked up a few new personal training clients, which took out one of my normal training days.
Fast forward a week. I ended up with a sinus infection, for the fist time ever, and strep throat to add to it. This has lasted pretty much the last 2 weeks, the medicine I was prescribed definitely affected my appetite, combined with it being tough to eat with the strep, I've lost 12 lbs.
I think I have my schedule figured out now, and I'm starting to feel better, so hopefully, I will be back training hard. I can tell I've lost some strength in the past month, which sucks, but I'm sure i'll be back where I want to be soon.