Have you ever tried doing a barbell complex? Well, I have not in years and today is when they are going to happen. For lower body complex we are going to hit some terrible power cleans, front squats, and RDL's. The original thought behind a complex is to never let the bar go, well if you have a terrible front rack position, you are probably going to have to re-rack the bar between movements. Each week we are going to have the volume increase, so by weak 4 there will be 3 rounds of 20 reps being done on each movement. P.S I skipped the Prowlers, lol.

Barbell Complex (do not put bar down between movements) 3x10:
1- Power Clean
2- Front Squat
3- RDL
A1) Hack Squat 4x10:
A2) Seated Leg Extensions 4x15:
B1) Laying Hamstring Curls 4x20:
B2) Reverse Lunge (focus on hamstrings and glutes!!!) 4x20:
B3) Sit Ups OFF GHR (slow eccentric) 4x20:
HEAVY Prowler Pushes 3x down and back