here is the last installment of my current GPP Program, remember as stated in earlier blogs, the volume will be increasing, first two weeks will be sets, second two weeks will be reps that change. This current block is killing me but I will say I have more energy and I am recovering well, I will note I am very eager to move out of this block into a more hypertrophy based training cycle.

Barbell Complex (do not put bar down between movements) 3x10:
1- OH Press
2- Up Right Row
3- Bent Over Row
4- Push-up on bar - set J hooks at about mid thigh height - put bar in J hooks
Standing Single Arm DB Press - 1 rep every 10 seconds - 3 min straight
B1) Side Delt. Raise 4x20 reps:
B2) Triceps Extension 4x20 reps:
B3) Biceps Curls 4x20 reps:
Rope Pull - Tie big rope to tire or weight - sit on ground - Pull it towards you 4x: