Things I've been doing for GPP lately that I feel have been really helping with Recovery, and gently increasing my work capacity (outside of regular PL programming).
- Band Pull Aparts or Rows x 10 between sets
- Belt Squat March 2 x a week (either 2min, 5min, or 8 min sets with varied intensities)
- 25 min Low Intensity Cardio 4x a week
The Band Pull aparts and Rows have really helped not only with "feeling" my lats more in Bench, but also help me engage them in Squat and Deadlift. I feel like I'm better able to activate/utilize them in all the lifts just by doing these light weight/pump type of sets.
The Belt Squat march has been magical for my hips, not only do they feel better-- but I also feel better able to engage my glutes (which has always been a problem).
The LISS cardio just makes me feel better-- hard to put my finger on it, but I feel more recovered, more athletic, and just healthier overall. Maybe it's placebo effect, maybe its physiological-- but it's having a positive effect and that's what matters to me!