Back to the base of the Pyramid


Well, I thought today would have been better than Monday, I was wrong. I do not know what is the deal, but my cardiovascular system hates me and has not been worked this way in far too long.  I will state I am surprised I am struggling with this aspect of the training, here is why.



I thought for sure the way we structured Speedwork this last cycle would have carried these training modalities over and I am dead wrong. Those last few weeks of dropping off speed work for me may have been a mistake? I can't even say that twice with a straight face cause the competition went so well. Going to brainstorm on how to better carry this through a strength phase.



So the main cons of block periodization, right? The carryover of stimulus to the next block! This is why I mentioned above I need to brainstorm, I highly value speedwork, that is not the problem. So it's a double edge sword, we don't want to take away from strength but don't want to run into this wall when we come back to GPP, or do we? Stay tuned to see how long this shit show lasts, lol




A1) Banded OH Squats 3x12: 2 micro minis

A2) Goblet Box Squats 3x12: 55

B1) DB RDL’s (3 sec Neg.) 3x12: 55,60,60

B2) 45 Degree Hypers (DB) 3x12: 35(2)

C1) Single Arm Lat Pulldowns 3x12: 40,60,50

C2) Single Leg Glute Bridges 3x12: BW

D1) DB Flies 3x12: 18,18, 26

D2) DB Rear Delt. Flys 3x12: 30,30,26

Rope Battle HIIT 6 min



