Back to the base of the Pyramid


EVERY SINGLE PERSON was going to fail, it was inevitable. We were not even halfway through the first superset and I knew I was going to have to make the call and edit the program. This is what Buddy Morris and every other strength coach talks about that has affiliations with Elitefts. You walk into the weight room with plan A, you better have plan B and C ready to go based on your athletes.

The first week our volume was 3x12 on everything, the second week I had scheduled 4x15, there was just no way that was gonna happen. That is 24 reps of volume increased ON ONE MOVEMENT, not realistic. As I sat on the box after single leg squats re-thinking why I was there I changed everything to 3x15 instead, it was the right call.



Volume and intensity can be a difficult concept for people to understand, especially if you are new to the industry. Hell, I know people that still struggle with it and have been in the industry of awhile. So lets set the ground rules to KISS (keep it stupid simple).

1- The majority of online templates ESPECIALLY FOR POWERLIFTERS do not have enough volume in their accessories, "change my mind".

2- Start small and work your way up. if you go by the standard 3x10, make week two's volume increase, but only change ONE variable, Sets or reps.

3- Allow these parameters to set your intensity. If you do 3x10 and you don't feel anything on "set one" treat that as a warm-up set and it didn't count. up the weight and when your last rep was not easy, that's your first set. I cannot tell you how many times I see people lose out on training stimulus by doing 3x10 on an accessory movement but started counting their work sets with the first weight they picked up. Don't be a punk, if it was easy, do not count it, up to the weight and then get to work, the 3x10 should be where the muscle is made!





Day 1 HUMBLE PIE, drop sets by 1

A1) Single Leg Box Squats 4x15: BW

A2) One Leg DB Lunge 4x15: 30

B1) Single Arm DB Press 3x15: 50

B2) Single Arm DB Row (1 sec Hold) 3x15: 50

C1) Step Ups 3x15: 30

C2) Standing Calf Raises 3x15: 10

D3) 6 ways 3x12: 15

D4) Pull Ups 3x12: BW

Prowler HIIT 8 min: 100