SO, thank goodness, this is the last week of our GPP. This is my least favorite block in my training cause I am never prepared for it, lol. As you will see in my workout below, day one killed me and we are 4 weeks in! So what's the deal, should I not be adapted by now? Well here is the problem, my Sunday was awful eating wise and I was not recovered for this session and it showed.
Julia made a video for her blog regarding hamstring and lower back activation. I was having issues getting my hamstrings to do all the work on extensions because I kept them contracting the entire time! Now, remove the time under tensions concept, if a muscle is staying statically contracted and you are attempting to work that muscle your body will need to move by way of another to get the movement to happen. THIS is an example of an exercise prescription being correct but the athlete/individual not being able to execute the movement properly with the muscle in need. After a quick chat she pointed it out and I was able to adjust and then realize my hamstrings were being little bitches the rest of the session having activation issues with things like RDL's as well.
HERE YOU GO the entire 4 day split in one post, basically a free program. The volume increased gradually over the last 4 weeks, give it a try.
Day 1 SUPER STRUGGLE, skipped prowler
A1) Single Leg Box Squats 4x15: BW
A2) One Leg DB Lunge 4x15: 30
B1) Single Arm DB Press 4x15: 50
B2) Single Arm DB Row (1 sec Hold) 4x15: 50
C1) Step Ups 4x15: 25
C2) Standing Calf Raises 4x15: BW
D3) 6 ways 4x15: 10
D4) Pull Ups 4x15: BW
Prowler HIIT 12 min SKIP
Day 2
A1) Duffin Banded OH Squats 4x15: BW
A2) Goblet Box Squats 4x15: 50
B2) 45 Degree Hypers (DB) 4x15: 40’s TROUBLE TURING HAMSTRINGS OFF AND ON
C1) Single Arm Lat Pulldowns 4x15: 50
C2) Single Leg Glute Bridges 4x15: BW
D1) Pec Dec 4x15: #10
D2) DB Rear Delt. Flys 4x15: 20
Rope Battle HIIT 12 min SKIP, walk tomorrow
Day 3
A1) Band GHR 4x15: green
A2) Goblet Split Squats 4x15: 35
A3) Reverse Hypers 4x15: 3 plates
A4) Banded KB Swings 4x15: green + 35
B1) DB Iso Lat. Raises 4x15: 15
B2) Lat Pull Pulldowns 4x15: 130
B3) Upright Row 4x15: 25’s
B4) Landmines 4x15: Barbell
KB HIIT 12 min
Day 4
Arm Pump Day
SSB Squat Conditioning 1 rep every 10 seconds for 10 min
Bench Conditioning 1 rep ever 10 seconds for 10 min
Deadlift Conditioning 1 rep every 10 seconds for 10 min